Thursday, June 4, 2009

Angels and Demons

I am no exception when it comes to being a Dan Brown fan and I was just waiting to watch Angels and Demons although I was sure till the last moment that the movie would suck bigtime!!! But then I didn't know that I would be so wrong!!! Well... Its been about three years since I read the book and I did not do a "last-minute-revision"(like I always do!!) before going to the movie. So I could only faintly remember some parts of the story here and there. Initially my logical part of the brain couldn help questioning if it would really be so sunny till 7:59 PM in the Vatican and I guess the thought hit Ron Howard after that much time of filming and the lights dimmed out after the 8th hour. The climax has been sensibly modified, probably keeping the temperament of the audience in mind. But, then the movie was great!!! Tom Hanks had done ample justice to the character of Robert Langdon and like always he has been the best!!! Ayelet Zurer in the role of Vittoria Vetra was good. Although she fit the bill, some more care about her make-up could have been taken and she was not the show-stealer!!(Well, may be its difficult to satisfy me;))!! Ewan McGregor in the role of the Camerlango was superfab and there is nothing one could comment badly about his performance. And yes!!! I again could not help getting the feel of watching a screensaver when the anti-matter(in the canister) explodes above in the sky of the Vatican. I know its difficult to bring the effect of an explosion unseen!! But still!!!World critics may keep slamming the film but on the whole it was a great entertainer and a fantastic adaptation of Brown's work without a black spot!!! The angels have shown a lot of mercy on the film and the demons keep attacking and the movie could be a nice example for the sustenance of matter and anti-matter!!!


  1. It was definitely an edge-of the seat thriller with very little loose ends. The screenplay was taut and it is difficult to digest that some people managed to sleep through this movie [The Bomb understands I guess].

  2. hi!
    ovvoru man has ovvoru feeling!
    as per SMS film poster!:-((movie sucks)
    friday review feels "its worth readin the book!".
    as v cant sight see n socialise with miscellaneous things in book version v are hittin multiplexes!
    hope inba n sbomb had achieved the target @ satyam!:-)

  3. dude..!!
    the aspect of sighting and seeing was done dutifuly by everyone present..!!
    The target of socilalising has not been achieved unfortunately..


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